From Lost in Japan to a Self-Care Business: The Journey to Juduyu

Hey bubu!

If you had told me several years ago that I would be opening a business in self-care, I would have told you to get out. Some of yall wanted to hear how it all started, so here it is.

The right education, the right job, the right life

Growing up, my path had always been pre-determined for me and I just sort of went along. I had always been the sensible listen-to-your-parents type of kid so I worked my way to a good school, a good university and eventually a good consulting firm.

7 years went by and I had advanced to managerial role. Some might say I lived the dream. But along those years there was something that felt off. A growing ache. I knew there was something more. I wanted more.

But being someone who had just followed a pre-determined path, it was difficult to understand what I wanted for myself. So I just tried everything. I went for singing classes, dance classes, designed and sewed my own clothes, produced music, made social media content, MC’d events, you name it. All the while I was waiting for a huge and obvious sign to clearly say “this is your path”. But that never came. Every instance felt like a match stick that lit up fiercely in the beginning then numbed down to a quiet flame. Years later my determination had eroded. I became frustrated, disappointed and exhausted. I didn’t know what else to do.

The f’k it point

October 2022, Post Covid, Japan announced border opening

Nothing was working. I became desperate and there was one quote that kept ringing in my brain “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result”.

A daring idea popped into my brain “Japan’s borders are opening again. Let’s go”. The idea was both exciting and scary. But I had nothing left to lose, I was desperate and I wanted change, badly.

Miraculously, I booked the flights and left a month later. Yes, this wasn’t like me at all. But my new motto was, “do it differently” after all. Of course, I did the necessary financial checks and budgeting to calm my nerves a little because, ultimately, I was still the sensible, risk averse kid.

Off to Japan I left for 3 weeks. Yes! 3 weeeeeks haha omg was I crazy.

My self-care experience in Japan

I didn’t know what I was looking for and I didn’t care. I just wanted to be. So much so that a 6 hour flight delay and getting lost in Shibuya for several hours didn’t faze me. I was excited to be a random stranger in a foreign land. There was with no pressure, no one to impress, no call to answer, no meeting to set and no future to stress about. I was just there to be.

My random Google’d 3 week itinerary led me through a large area of Japan during cool Autumn. I spent 2-3 days at a different location each time. I went to Tokyo, Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma), Nagano, Toyama, Kanazawa, Takayama, Kyoto, Osaka then back to Tokyo.

It felt surreal waking up on tatami mats, looking out onto mountains of yellow, orange and green leaves. I just layed still and breathed it all in. My days were filled with serene walks around temples, parks, historical areas and neighbourhoods. Days passed and I slowly started taking notice of the smallest things like the sound of streams flowing behind wooden houses in a village, the sweetness of warm rice in my mouth and the cute shape of yellow maple leaves as they fell.

I’d end the day rushing out of the cold into a toasty kimono then make my way to soak into the warm waters of an onsen. My sore feet and back would melt into the hot bath as I sank in, reflecting gratefully on my day with a tummy and soul full.

With everyday that passed I began to let go of who I was. Instead of over-planning I explored freely. Instead of staying quiet I laughed with all my heart. Instead of being bitter I opened up to love. I became excited again. I became curious again. I was living again.

Back in Malaysia, the start of Juduyu

Satisfied with what I had seen and felt in Japan, I packed my stuff and headed back home (Kuala Lumpur). I knew the work wasn’t over, in fact, this was merely the beginning. But this time, I had a fresh slate, one without any assumptions about who I should be or what life had to offer.

So I began each day with an intention to discover and explore myself. But my head became quickly overwhelmed with thoughts again so I began simplifying things around me. I didn’t want to start the day wasting a decision on what to wear so I took the most simple thing in my closet, my kimono. When I slipped it on I became quiet and calm again. I was transported back to a space where I felt free and secure. I could feel the cool breeze and and the easy exhale again. Quickly, my kimonos became a part of my daily routine and a way to clear my mind. It became both my armor and my support. Thus came the birth of OH-NO Kimono and Juduyu, a way for me to share this feeling with everyone else.

So whenever there comes a time when you feel the need to retreat and focus on yourself, I hope you’ll think of slipping into an OH-NO Kimono.

Starting the Bubu Blog, today

The OH-NO Kimono was truly a memorable beginning. I am so grateful to all my friends who supported me. Now, however, comes the next chapter, the Bubu Blog.

Through the blog I hope share all that I learn on how to make that ✨glow-up✨ a reality. It won’t be some motivational fluff (although we do need that sometimes). Bubu, if we want change we need some practical information, something we can actually put to work. And that’s what you’ll get. I hope to also create a safe space for you to feel inspired and motivated to live your best life and become the best version of you, because you deserve it.

How you can join us on this journey

Please support my blog and subscribe! I would love to hear your stories and any tips and tricks you’ve picked up along the way! Let’s get that ✨glow-up✨ together bubu!

Lots of love,
